The staff and leadership here at First Baptist Cross Hill is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office and leave a message for them. You can contact the church office at 864-998-3157.
Robert grew up in the upstate of SC, where he worked and pastored for 30+ years before accepting the pastorate at First Baptist Cross Hill in 2019. Robert is passionate about preaching the Word of God and seeing people accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and grow in their relationship with God. He has a heart for missions, having traveled to Romania, Nicaragua, and Kentucky for many years to share God and minister to people who need to hear about God's love for them.
Ray is our Associate Pastor and is responsible for our evangelism and outreach programs. He plans many activities during the year to engage our members and to reach out into our community. A church calendar of activities can be found here. (link)
Iris directs our music worship, as well as our Adult Choir. She directs special music presentations at Easter and at Christmas. The Christmas presentations are with our Adult Choir in a Living Christmas Tree, and multiple presentations are scheduled over two weeks so many people can be blessed by this inspiring program. She is the wife of Ray Hollifield, our Associate Pastor.
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